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How many days since last facebook scandal?

Ethics and free software practice explained by Richard Stallman

Univeristy Federico II of Naples, 23/03/06 (sub ita)

Revolution OS

Documentary on the history of the GNU/Linux operating system from its origins to the 2000s


Basic site for information on privacy tools

Repressione Digitale

Repressione Digitale is an Italian community that focus on security, free software and free hardware.
Repressione Digitale

The Internet's Own Boy The Story of Aaron Swartz

The story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz, who died at the age of 26.

Sepia Search

Sepia Search A search engine of PeerTube videos and channels. Developed by Framasoft

Framasoft, change the world one byte at a time

Framasoft is a not-for-profit popular educational organization, a group of friends convinced that an emancipatory digital world is possible, convinced that it will arise through actual actions on real world and online with and for you!

PeerTube, free software to take back control of your videos

PeerTube, developed by Framasoft, is the free and decentralized alternative to video platforms, providing you over 400,000 videos published by 60,000 users and viewed over 15 million times.

Hack The Box :: Penetration Testing Labs

Do you want to learn the basics or something more advanced on how to keep a system safe?

CryptoHack - A fun way to learn cryptography

Do you want to learn the basics of modern cryptography in a fun way?

DeepL excellent translator

Cannabis and sustainable development

Report by the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Science. A Think & Do Tank, a voice for Human Dignity in public and private policies

Tails a portable operating system

Avoid surveillance, censorship, advertising and viruses. It is a secure computer everywhere. Tails includes a selection of applications to work on sensitive documents and communicate securely. Everything in Tails is ready-to-use and has safe defaults.

Fair trade

Fair trade is an arrangement designed to help producers in developing countries achieve sustainable and equitable trade relationships. Members of the fair trade movement add the payment of higher prices to exporters, as well as improved social and environmental standards. The movement focuses in particular on commodities, or products that are typically exported from developing countries to developed countries, but is also used in domestic markets.

Ende Gelände

Let's stop the coal, let's change this system now! Multilingual websites, originally in German.


Repair guides for every thing, written by everyone.

Decentralized Social Networks vs. The Trolls

In the summer of 2019, the alt-right social network Gab migrated to the decentralized "Fediverse" of social networks after being booted from mainstream financial services and hosting solutions. Almost immediately, Gab was met by a dedicated movement to isolate it. The movement was largely successful; within a year, the Gab CTO announced they would leave the Fediverse. This talk will cover how moderators, activists, and developers in the Fediverse used human moderators, strong moderation tools, representative codes of conduct, and no small amount of organization to promote healthy online spaces.

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